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University of Illinois Grainger Engineering: Faculty (Assistant Professor) - Civil and Environmental Engineering - 1029722-6689 in Urbana, Illinois

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Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Railway Transportation Engineering

The Grainger College of Engineering

University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

The Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) department at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign seeks highly qualified candidates to fill a tenure-track Assistant Professor full-time faculty position. Exceptional applicants in all areas relevant to Rail Transportation and Engineering will be considered. Some example areas of interest are Railway Systems, Operation, and Safety with expertise in one or more of the following areas: rail capacity analysis and modeling, rail network planning and analysis, rail freight and passenger transportation operation, advanced train control, computer-aided railway traffic control, rail system and operational optimization, automated/autonomous train operating systems, train operating mechanics, train dynamics including wheel/rail interface, railway energy efficiency and motive power, integrated passenger and freight railway system safety and risk analysis, railway terminal system design and operation, rail transit, high-speed and intercity passenger rail. The successful candidate will be capable of working with a variety of industry and government sponsors and partners.

The CEE department is committed to building a culturally inclusive educational environment. We are seeking faculty who can teach in these and other areas while contributing to the excellence in our programs and courses through their research, teaching, and service.

Successful candidates are expected to establish and maintain an active and independent research program, teach effectively at both the undergraduate and graduate levels, and provide service to the department, the university, and the profession.

Faculty members in the department are expected to initiate and sustain a vigorous independently funded research program and demonstrate a strong commitment to undergraduate and graduate teaching and mentoring of students at all levels.

The CEE Department in the Grainger College of Engineering at Illinois has a long tradition of excellence in fundamental and translational research, teaching, and service. The Department is home to the Rail Transportation and Engineering Center (RailTEC) that leads the recently formed Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) National University Rail Center of Excellence (NURail CoE), enjoys a long-term, funded, research partnership with the Association of American Railroads (AAR), and has established extensive partnerships with railroads, the rail supply industry, and public sector rail organizations. Illinois has the most extensive rail engineering curriculum in North America, including a cooperative, virtual course exchange program with KTH in Sweden, and attracts top quality students worldwide. RailTEC operates the Research and Innovation Lab (RAIL) the most extensive rail infrastructure lab of its kind in North America. Details about the departments research portfolio, facilities, equipment, and programs can be found at .

Our faculty and students are affiliated with and have access to world-class experimental and computational facilities located in on-campus multidisciplinary research (fundamental and translational) centers and laboratories, including: Applied Research Institute , Advanced Materials Testing and Evaluation Laboratory , Aerodynamics Research Laboratory , the Coordinated Science Laboratory , the Center for Hypersonics and Entry Systems Studies , Materials Research Laboratory , Holonyak Micro & Nanotechnology Lab , the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology , and the National Center for Supercomputing Applications .

A doctoral degree in Civil, Systems, Industrial, or other related Engineering field is required at the start date, and salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. The budgeted salary range for the position is \$110,000 to \$135,000 at the Assistant Professor level, for a 9-month service basis. Full consideration will be given to applications received by April 16, 2025. Applications will be evaluated as received. Applications received after that date may be considered until the position is filled. Applicants may be interviewed before the closing date; however, no hiring decision will be made until after that date. A start date is expected on August 16, 2025; however, this is negotiable.

To apply for this position, please create a candidate profile at . The application package should include: 1) a curriculum vitae, 2) a statement of teaching goals and interests, 3) a statement of previous research accomplishments and future research plans, 4) a statement of service and value, 5) a publications list, and 6) names and contact information of four references (no letters), all in a single PDF file as an upload in the \"Resume/CV\" section. The service and values statement should describe some notable experience you might have in service to your institution or professional organization and/or address one or more of the Grainger College of En
