Job Information
Shelton State Community College Adult Education Instructor in Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Position Summary
The Adult Education (AE) Instructor must be knowledgeable in Adult Education instructional methods, techniques, and technology. The instructor must be knowledgeable in the content and application of policies and procedures of the AE Program, Shelton State Community College, and the Alabama Community College System. The instructor will serve at the direction of the AE Program Director.
SALARY SCHEDULE PLACEMENT:Range of $41,719 - $69,591, based upon the Alabama Community College System and Shelton State Community College Salary Schedule D-3 to be determined by the applicants education and years of applicable experience. This is a twelve-month position, with summer teaching required, for a total of 229 duty days.
Applicant acknowledges that if selected for the position that applicants placement on the applicable salary schedule will be dependent upon the verified information provided by the applicant in accordance with the applicable work experience verification requirements stated herein.
Essential Duties and Responsibilities
Primary Job Duties and Responsibilities:
- MaintainahighlevelofcompetenceandexpertiseintheareaofAdultEducation(AE)
- Incorporatecurrentteachingtechniques,subjectareadevelopments,andcurrenttechnology into the AE program design
- Provideclassroominstructioninaccordancewithapprovedstaterequirements
- Informstudentsconcerningcourserequirements,evaluationprocedures,attendance requirements, and academic progress
- Provideforeffectiveevaluationofthelearningexperienceofeachstudent
- SubmittimelyandaccurateAENationalReportingSystem(NRS)records
- Maintainnecessaryattendance,scholastic,financial,andpersonnelrecordsandsubmitthem according to announced deadlines
- Participateintheplanningofeffectivelong-rangegoalsfortheAEprogram
- Demonstrateeffectivepeopleskills,communicationskills,andworkethic(i.e.,preparation and punctuality)
- Reademailatleasttwiceaweektoprovideeffectiveprogramcommunication
- Assiststudentswitheducationalandcareerdecisions
- ParticipateintheCollegesrecruitingprogram
- CoordinatewithAEandotherCollegepersonnelontheCollegesAdultEducationgraduation ceremony
- ResearchbestpracticesinAdultEducationanddisseminatetheinformationtoAE program faculty and staff
- ParticipateinAdultEducation(AE)discussionsandmeetingsaboutcurriculum,teaching- learning techniques, and teaching materials
- Post and maintain regular office hours in accordance with prevailing policy
Other Job Duties and Responsibilities:
- ComplywithpoliciesoftheAlabamaCommunityCollegeSystemandtheCollege
- ServeonCollegecommittees
- Participateinprofessionaldevelopment,compliance,andothertrainingactivitiesasrequired
- Perform other duties as assigned by the supervisor
- Bachelors degree from a regionally accredited institution
- Oneyearoffull-timeteachingexperience
- Adult Education teaching experience
Application Procedures/Additional Information
APPLICATION PROCEDURES: The online submission of a packet is the sole responsibility of the applicant. No previous application files will be transferred for consideration of this position. No copies will be given of the application information submitted. Applicants must meet eligibility requirements to work in the U.S. at the time of appointment and must travel at their own expense for all in-person interviews.
APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS:A completed application packet consists of:
- A cover letter of application specifically detailing and relating the applicants education, and experience to the qualifications, duties, and responsibilities of the position.
- An online Shelton State Community College employment application.
- A current resume.
- Copies of postsecondary transcript(s) identifying the applicant, institution, and verifying degree(s) earned that demonstrate that the applicant meets the education l requirements for this position. If employed, official transcripts must be received in the Office of Human Resources within thirty (30) days of the employment start date.
Meeting Minimum Requirements:
If the requirements for a position list work experience in a field or area the Applicant must provide written verification(s) of their applicable work experience in order to be hired for the position. Such written verification(s) of work experience must demonstrate that the applicant meets the minimum work experience requirement. Applicants who do not produce this information as indicated will be ineligible for hire and subject to having any offer of employment withdrawn.
Salary Calculation:F
or Adult Education positions on the D-3 Salary Schedule, the salary amount for the selected applicant is determined by step and rank placement on the applicable schedule. Rank placement is dependent upon the applicant's highest applicable degree and/or applicable credit hours. Step placement is dependent upon the following: (a) all work experience in public education in Alabama and (b) all other work experience outside of public education in Alabama that, in the sole judgment of the College, directly relates to the requirements of the position. The applicant selected for the position must provide original transcripts verifying their highest degree and written verification(s) of this work experience within the time provided herein if such experience is to be considered in determining their initial step place on the Salary Schedule.
Format for Work Experience Verifications: Work experience verifications should be in the form of verification letters from employers and must include complete employment dates, job title(s), job duties, and an indication whether such employment was full-time or part-time, and if part-time, the average number of hours worked each week. The letters should be on official letterhead and contain an authorized personnel signature. The Colleges official employment verification form is also acceptable and is available upon request. If an employment verification cannot be obtained due t