Job Information
COUNTY OF ST CROIX District Attorney Investigator in HUDSON, Wisconsin
JOB REQUIREMENTS: POSITION SUMMARY: The primary role of the District Attorney Investigator will generally consist of completing any required investigations for cases that have already been referred to the District Attorney\'s Office, but which need additional investigation. This is a part-time position; the District Attorney Investigator is a licensed law enforcement officer with general police powers within the County under the authority of the District Attorney and takes day to day direction from the District Attorney and other prosecutors. The primary duties include assisting the DA\'s office with investigation of criminal cases referred to the office. The District Attorney Investigator will conduct annual scenario training and firearm qualifications with the Sherriff\'s Office. The District Attorney investigator may be required or offered the opportunity to attend conferences paid for by the District Attorney\'s Office. The District Attorney Investigator will comply with the policies and standards of investigators for the Sheriff\'s Office, unless otherwise informed in writing by the District Attorney. ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS: The following duties are normal for this position. These are not to be construed as exclusive or all-inclusive. To perform this job successfully, an individual must be able to perform each duty satisfactorily. Other duties may be required and assigned. -Assists criminal investigations and prosecutions at the direction of the District Attorney -Conducts investigations, interviews and general case follow-up. -Conducts background checks for witnesses and jury panels. -Runs TIME system queries. -Locates witnesses, collects evidence, authors and serves search warrants and document subpoenas. -Other duties as directed by the District Attorney or their designee. -Conducts criminal and civil investigations including gathering information relative to the act committed. -Ability to conduct interviews of victims and witnesses, some of whom may be children or elderly. Others who may be injured or severely traumatized by the circumstances involved. Interviews may be of long duration and under varying conditions due to weather, location, and time of day. -Ability to interview/question suspects of criminal activity with control of emotion and personal involvement in case of severe circumstances. -Extensive knowledge of criminal law and a thorough understanding of elements of an offense to be used in interview techniques and development of actual charging documents. -Knowledge of search warrants and application process. Ability to draft, execute, and process for return search warrants and related documents. -Demonstrate the ability to manage cases both of short and long duration, keep accurate notes and records of case progression and transformation to officer reports that reflect orderly and chronological the sequence of events, interviews, and progression of cases up and to conclusion by apprehension, arrest, refer for charges, or other acceptable disposition. -Ability to travel as required to conduct investigations, process and deliver evidence, and assist other agencies and jurisdictions. Travel may include distances and circumstances that require overnight stays and/or periods exceeding the normal workday. Consecutive hours of 16, 24, or more hours may be required under exigent or extreme circumstances. Travel may include transporting victims and witnesses to and from court for testimony. -Processes evidence, prepares cases for court and attends court. -Knowledge, skills, and ability to collect evidence following prescribed guidelines outlined in the handbook \"Physical Collection of Evidence\" as published by the Wisconsin Department of Justice. -Ability and understanding on how to collect/preserve samples for DNA testing including, but not limited to, hair, blood, tissue, and other bodily fluids. -Ability and understanding on how to collect/preserve finger rints, shoe or foot impressions, tool impressions, tire prints, and other related physical evidence under various weather conditions and circumstances out of the Investigators direct control. -Once collected, the ability to secure, preserve, and prepare evidence for further testing. Maintain chain of custody up to and including presentation and testimony in court. -Understanding of the services provided and limitations of various testing facilities, including private labs and State run crime labs. -Obtain detailed statements and prepare precise and accurate reports of investigative findings; investigate and interview victims, witnesses and suspects to obtain information on the nature of the crime that occurred. -Submit timely and accurate reports on case progression. Individual supplement reports should reflect the activity of the case. -Knowledge and ability to complete various reports and documents in the course of criminal and other investigations. Includes but not limited to: Death Report, Evidence Transmittal Document, -Application for Search Warrant and document subpoenas, Evidence Logs and Tags, Miranda Warning, Medical Release Form, Juvenile Referral, Crime Scene Logs, NCIC, CIB Entry, Application for Arrest Warrant -Takes statements by telephone and in person. -Testify at preliminary hearings when another officer is unable to appear. -Make arrests. -Assist law enforcement agencies in death and other major investigations when requested. -Provide security for the District Attorney\'s Office and its staff members and assist with courtroom security when needed. -Participate in required trainings to maintain law enforcement certification. -Investigate open meeting law violations. -Assist as a trainer for other law enforcement when requested. -Attend community meetings to educate members of the public on criminal justice when requested. -Act as a liaison between the District Attorney\'s Office and other local law enforcement. -Enforces all state and county laws. -Knowledge and ability to understand State laws and County ordinances and apply to cases being investigated. -Understand and articulate elements of a crime/offense. Clearly identify in Officer reports and court testimony what constitutes the offense being charged. -Act as a resource and assist patrol in interpreting statute for criminal and other cases being investigated. -In extreme or exigent circumstances, respond to assist emergency situations that involve the risk of death or great bodily harm. ***** OTHER EXPERIENCE AND QUALIFICATIONS: MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: -Must be a certified or certifiable Law Enforcement Officer in the State of Wisconsin. -5 years full time law enforcement experience, preference given to prior Investigative experience. -Valid Wisconsin Driver\'s license. -Must pass a criminal background check. -Must pass a character background investigation as required by the Wisconsin Law Enforcement Standards Board. -Pass a pre-employment drug screen. EDUCATION AND/OR EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENTS: -Associate degree in criminal justice, law enforcement, Sociology or a related field OR a minimum of 60 college level credit hours. ***** APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS: Apply Online: www.sccwi.gov