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OBXtek, Inc. Information Security Program Support Specialist - 6007 in Fort George G Meade, Maryland

OBXtek is staffing for an Information Security Program Support Specialist to work at Joint Base Andrews, MD. The job will be working for the Air National Guard Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR), Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA/Strike), Cyber/IT and Command and Control (C2) Staff Technical Support Services providing Functional Area Manager (FAM) Support to NGB/A2/6 and the RPA/Strike and C2 functions within NGB/A3/10. The Information Security Support program tasks consist of 8 major areas: Information Security, Personnel Security, Physical Security, Industrial Security, Counter Insider Threat (C-Int), and Information Systems Security (IAM Level-2), and Compliance and Training. Information Security (INFOSEC), Physical Security (PHYSEC), and Personnel Security (PERSEC), Industrial Security (INDSEC), Counter Insider Threat (InT), and Compliance and Training (previously listed as Special Security Office (SSO)) Support.This includes physical and TEMPEST accreditation for Secure Compartmentalized Information Facilities and collateral open-storage areas (secure rooms)/classified processing areas (CPAs), as well as administration of the INFOSEC, PERSEC, INDSEC, InT, and Compliance and Training via directives, policies, technical guidance, and assistance Support is directed to support ANG and Space Command.

The task include the following:

Serve as the contact at NGB ANG for issues involving collateral or SCI security matters; work with DOD, Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), National Security Agency (NSA), AF, 16th Air Force, Air Education and Training Command (AETC), DCSA Consolidated Adjudication Services (CAS), and other national-level agencies to evaluate, guide, and adjust ANG unit programs to meet changing needs and requirements.

Assist SSO by researching, interpreting, analyzing, and applying Presidential Executive Orders, Intelligence Community Directives (ICDs), DIA Manuals, DoD Manuals, AF Manuals, AFIs, and Operating Instructions.

Provide support and guidance for physical and information security issues for NGB and ANG units.

Assist ANG Security office with the supervision and management of the ANG SCI program maximizing productivity and quality.

Assist ANG Security office with the enforcement of all operational, functional, and mission assurance aspects of the program.

Ensure the security disciplines of information, personnel, and industrial security fully converge from a policy and programmatic viewpoint to assure that the Special Security program meets mission requirements.

At the governments direction, coordinate compliance activities between all ANG units and the AF SSO IAW DODM 5105.21-V1-3.

Oversee ANG SCI program IAW DODM 5105.21-V1-3.

Work with MAJCOM SSOs on SCI policies, directives, and procedures and as directed, disseminate any changes to those policies, directives, and procedures to the field units.

Develop and conduct security education, establish security profiles; review and disseminate SCI message traffic and other products for ANG customers.

Assist the ANG Security office with the pre-construction, concept approval, and accreditation processes for ANG SCI Facilities (SCIF).

Assist the ANG Security office with the management and maintenance of intelligence reference files to include all applicable SCI directives, regulations, manuals, guidelines, reports, and correspondence.

Brief ANG SSO first, and as directed, all ANG units on new and impending changes to national SCI policies.

Forward SCI access certifications on cleared personnel worldwide to SCI security personnel at the locations to be visited.

Conduct SCI foreign travel briefings, investigations and manage all aspects of the security violation program.

Provide guidance to SCI indoctrinated personnel on proper handling, transporting, marking, and protection of SCI.

Travel to ANG units for SCIF inspections, Personnel and Industrial Security training/inspections, site visits, and ATAFs.

Assist the ANG Security office with coordinating and conducting information security program reviews and staff assistance visits to subordinate organizations within the area of responsibility and monitor the field units for compliance with regulatory requirements.

Provide guidance, education, and training required for subordinate organizational mission success.

Apply policies and procedures of the AF Information Security Program for protection of classified information and material to ensure mission assurance and effectiveness.

As required by the government, establish and revise methods to review actions quantitatively and ensure legal and regulatory compliance issues and customer concerns are promptly identified and addressed.

Provide technical recommendations on the Information Security Program to peer program managers.

Conduct program assistance visits for areas assigned to support operational needs throughout the command.

Assist SSO and Information Protection (IP) Branch Chief with training Top Secret Control Officers (TSCOs), Program Managers, and security specialists on their specific tasks.

As directed by the government, update all security pamphlets, instructions, guidelines, and command policies at least annually.

Assist NGB and ANG unit level Personnel, Industrial Security, and the IP Director, to ensure the three (3) core IP security disciplines of information, personnel, and industr
