Job Information
Complete Lawn Maintenance dba Complete Lawn Care Laborer, Landscape in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma
This job was posted by https://okjobmatch.com : For more information, please see: https://okjobmatch.com/jobs/3239675
ONE: Employer Name and Contact Information
Business Name: Complete Lawn Maintenance, Inc. dba Complete Lawn Care
Physical Address: 812 South 8th Street, Broken Arrow, OK 74012
Mailing Address: 812 South 8th Street, Broken Arrow, OK 74012
FEIN: 22-3936231
Employer Job Phone Number: 918-605-4646
Employer Job Email: tomcompletelawn@gmail.com
Employer Job Web Portal: N/A
TWO: This job opportunity is a temporary, seasonal, full-time position.
Number of job openings to be filled: 12
THREE: Job Opportunity
Job Title: Laborer, Landscape
OES Code/OES Title: 37-3011, Landscaping and Groundskeeping Workers
Entry level, no experience required, work under close supervision.
Mow; edge; trim; blow; plant; water; dig; rake; weed maintenance; may apply fertilizer, weed preventers, common horticulture products & post-emergence treatments; haul and install mulch and soil; prune shrubs and small trees; pick up and dispose of litter and plant debris; common maintenance; sprinkler installation and maintenance.
Maintain properties using, maneuvering, and operating hand and power tools, mowing equipment and vehicles.
May assist in routine maintenance and cleaning of equipment used each day.
Minimum Education Required: None.
Minimum Experience Required: None.
Work Hours & Days: Typically, 40 hours per week, 6:30 am to 3:30 pm, Monday to Friday.
Due to weather and workload, this can vary from 35 to 55 hours per week, with additional work offered as extended hours and/or work on Saturdays and/or Sundays.
Anticipated Start Date of Job Opportunity: April 1, 2025
Anticipated End Date of Job Opportunity: November 29, 2025
Other requirements: Post-employment random drug testing and background checks may be required, at no cost to the worker. The job requires the applicant to be qualified, ready, willing, able, and available to perform during the entire employment at all the designated worksites.
FOUR: Geographic Area of Intended Employment:
Various job sites in Tulsa OK, MSAs in Oklahoma.
FIVE: Wage that the employer is offering:
\$16.85 hour / \$25.27 hour overtime
Pay raises are based on merit, length of time on job, quantity and quality of work produced, dependability and adherence to procedures and policies.
(The wage offer will equal or exceed the highest of the prevailing wage or the Federal, State or Local minimum wage in effect during employment).
SIX: Overtime:
Overtime expected and mandatory.
SEVEN: On the Job Training?
On-the-job training will be provided. Position is entry level, no experience required.
EIGHT: Wage Computation.
The employer will use a single workweek as its standard for computing wages due.
NINE: Pay Frequency:
Wages will be paid on a weekly basis.
TEN: Board, Lodging, other facilities, including fringe benefits.
On an optional basis, the employer will assist those employees who opt in, in securing housing. Payment for this housing and any included utilities will be deducted from the workers pay. This deduction is estimated to be \$60.00 per week.
ELEVEN: Deductions from Pay:
The employer will make all deductions from the workers paycheck required by law. In addition, the employer intends to make the following deductions from the workers paycheck which are not required by law:
On an optional basis, the employer will assist those employees who opt in, in securing housing. Payment for this housing and any included utilities will be deducted from the workers pay. This deduction is estimated to be \$60.00 per week.
TWELVE: Initial transportation and subsistence.
If the worker completes 50% of the work contract period, the employer will, consistent with applicable regulatory requirements, arra ge and pay directly for transportation and subsistence. Daily subsistence will be provided either at a rate of \$15.88 per day during travel without receipts to a maximum of \$59.00 per day with receipts or the applicable USDOL mandated fee in effect on the date of travel.
THIRTEEN: Return transportation and subsistence.
Workers will be provided with or reimbursed for outbound transportation and subsistence consistent with applicable regulatory requirements if the employee completes the period of employment or is dismissed from employment before the end of the period of employment. If transportation is provided, it will be by common carrier land or air conveyance at the option of the employer. Daily subsistence will be provided either at a rate of \$15.88 per day during travel without receipts to a maximum of \$59.00 per day with receipts or the applicab